Manager Support Form
Give and Grow Professional Development Scholarships: Manager/PPL Support Form
The RIH Foundation’s Give and Grow Educational Fund supports professional development for RIH
employees by providing scholarships for participation in courses, conferences and workshops which
advance job knowledge, skills and qualifications which ultimately contribute to excellence in patient
As part of the application process, the Scholarship Committee (comprised of RIH medical staff and
Foundation volunteers) believes it is important that the candidates are communicating their educational
goals with their manager/PPL. Managers/PPLs are asked to provide feedback to the Committee as part
of the review and scoring process.
Manager/PPL Support Form Instructions:
- Please complete form below and select the “Submit” button. This will allow you to email the
completed form directly to a Foundation staff member. The form will be kept confidential and
is not shared with the applicants. - Please notify your employee once this form has been submitted.
- Applications that do not include the Manager/PPL Support Form will be deducted points from
their total score.